Ferry information
Are You Traveling to Norway with Your Own Car?
Arriving in Norway by ferry – Smooth Ferry Travel with Your Car for an Unforgettable Adventure
We offer international ferry routes in our travel packages, making it easier for you to bring your own car. Partnering with Colorline, Fjordline, and Stenaline, we provide convenient and reliable ferry services connecting continental Europe and Norway. Enjoy the flexibility of traveling with your vehicle and experience a seamless journey with our trusted operators.
If you're interested in receiving an offer, kindly send us an email at flights@dintur.no, and we will take care of your trip.
Navigating Norway – Ferries That Connect You to Stunning Coastal Destinations
One of the most charming features of the Norwegian coast are the many ferries that transport people across fjords and seas. Whether you're driving the E6, the famous Coastalroad 17 (Kystriksveien) or one of the countless small roads along the coast, you often have to take a ferry to reach your destination. This is also the case with many of our best fishing destinations, which are only accessible by ferry or speedboat.
Booking in advance on Norwegian ferries is neither necessary nor possible. In the vast majority of cases, there is plenty of space on the ferries, so both you and the car will get on the ferry on the first try. In the busiest tourist season in summer, we still recommend you to expect heavy traffic on the ferries, and perhaps allowing a little extra time if you are in a hurry. Also remember that some ferries only sail "on demand" and that you in these cases must call and book the ferry. If so, this is mentioned in the timetable.
The Norwegian government decided in 2022 that all ferries with less than 100,000 passengers per year should be free of charge. This means that most ferries in the suburbs are now free, while the busiest departures on the busiest roads still cost money. The ticket system is simple though; if the ferry costs money, a ticket agent will sell a ticket on the ferry. If no one is there to provide you a ticket, the ferry is free.
Updated timetables can be found in the travel description we send you along with your booking, or by using google. If you cannot find the timetable by searching in English, we recommend using the Norwegian word "ferje" (ferry) before writing your destination. Such as "ferje Træna" if your destination is Træna.
We wish you a good trip with the ferry!
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