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Register and report catch

The Regulation on Reporting Catches from Tourist Enterprises

We have a maritime resource act in Norway designed to ensure sustainable and socio-economically viable management of wild marine resources and related genetic material, and to support employment and habitation in coastal communities. The act states that sea fish are a common resource to be managed by the Norwegian authorities. The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries therefore amended the regulations of the Norwegian Maritime Resource Act as from 1 January 2018. The most important amendment is that tourism-related facilities fulfilling certain criteria have to register with the Directorate, and report their catches in the same manner as professional fishing companies. Consequently, all Din Tur's destinations/tourist fishing destinations have to register, and as our guest, you must register your daily catch during your stay. Your reported catch will form part of the total deduction from resources for Norway.

All registered tourist fishing facilities shall have systems in place to facilitate reporting when our guests arrive. Din Tur views this move with enthusiasm, and welcomes the amendment to the law. We believe that regulations are necessary if we are to ensure sustainable harvesting of natural resources. In other words: Din Tur also wants future generations to be able to fish along the northern coast of Norway.

What do the new regulations mean for you as a fishing guest at a Din Tur destination?

You as a fishing guest must register all daily catch during the entire stay. You will of course receive all the necessary information on how to register catches from your host after arrival. From 1st of January 2021, it is only legal to bring fish out of Norway if you have fished and stayed with a tourist fishing company, which is registered in the Directorate of Fisheries' register of tourist fishing companies. All resorts at Din Tur are registered with the Directorate of Fisheries.

What should be registered?

- The species cod, halibut, catfish, redfish, and saithe.

- All catches must be registered in numbers - not in kilos.

- Fish that have been released again are registered (Catch & Release).

- Zero catch must also be registered – it means fishing trips where you have not caught fish.

- All catches must be registered per. boat per fishing trip (fishing trip = fishing day).

What is the personal quota for execution?

- The quota for exporting fish and fish products is 18 kg, including fish fillet and ready-made fish product.

- You can take the quota of 18 kg out of Norway up to twice per. calendar year.

- Trophy fish are no longer accepted outside the ordinary execution quota.

- Freshwater fish, such as salmon, trout and char, are outside the 18 kg export quota.

Requirements for documentation when exporting fish:

As already mentioned above, everyone must document that the fishing has taken place under the auspices of a registered tourist fishing company when they take fishing out of the country. Documentation will be provided by the host at the visited facility before departure. This is a receipt / proof that gives you as a fishing guest permission to carry out a fishing quota of 18 kg out of Norway. For the sake of order, we have described below what requirements are placed on such documentation.

The customs service will accept an invoice or equivalent identification document for the stay printed to a named person in the travel party or per person.

Furthermore, the identification must contain:

- Name of the registered tourist fishing business, address, and organization number

- Names of those who have fished under the auspices of the company.

- Period of stay. - How many people the stay applied to.

The customs service will also be able to accept a printout of what the individual tourist fisherman has reported to the company it has visited. Such a printout must specify:

- Corporate identity.

- Who has fished.

- How much has been fished.


For more information, click on the Directorate of Fisheries' page here

About GoFish

GoFish is a safety and registration system for fish camps in Norway.

The GoFish system is developed and maintained by Dualog in cooperation with tourist fishing companies, their guests and Din Tur. GoFish is a system that enhances:

- Safety for guests via checks before fishing and position tracking of vessels

- Sustainable fishing through catch registration and reporting

As a guest you use GoFish to perform a safety check before fishing and registering catch after fishing. This is done at the GoFish station at the camp.

To use GoFish all you need is your telephone number to log in BEFORE you go fishing and AFTER you return from the fishing trip:

- Before fishing: Perform a safety check

- After fishing: Register catch

With GoFish, camp staff has up-to-date information regarding who is at sea, how many people are on-board and the vessel’s position.

Norwegian law required that fishing trips and catches are registered and reported to the Directorate of Fisheries. The specific species to be reported are cod, saith, halibut, catfish and redfish.

GoFish enables simple registration of catch after each fishing trip (including zero catch and fish released). By registering the catch via GoFish you contribute to more accurate reporting and sustainable fishing.

FAQ about GoFish

What is GoFish?

GoFish is a safety system including catch registration for sea fishing camps in Norway. GoFish includes tracking of vessels, a guest register, booking information, catch registration and catch reporting.

What is the purpose of GoFish?

GoFish contributes to increased safety at sea. The fishing camp has up-to-date information regarding the people on-board, contact information and real-time vessel position. The camp also receives warnings if the battery voltage drops.

GoFish ensures that the fishing camp complies with the regulatory requirements for catch reporting. By registering your catch via GoFish you directly contribute to sustainable fishing via correct reporting. 

Why is my personal data required?

Some personal information is required by GoFish as part of the regulatory requirements. Your personal information is used to ensure that employees are aware of all those on-board and to determine who is responsible for safety at sea and reporting of the catch. The information is also used to print customs documentation.

Why is my telephone number required?

The staff at the camp will contact you if there are any unexpected events or situations – we therefore kindly request that you have a fully charged mobile telephone phone when you go fishing.

Your telephone number is also your logon ID for GoFish.

How is my personal information protected?

Your personal information is processed by the fishing camp and system supplier Dualog AS according to strict safety practices.

Who has access to my personal data?

Your personal data is only available to the fishing camp staff and system developers at Dualog.

Can I request that my personal data be deleted?

Yes, if you wish to be deleted, please notify camp staff. Your information will no longer be possible to recover after it has been deleted. On a new visit to a GoFish camp, your personal information must be registered again.

What is a GoFish drive?

The GoFish drive (station) is a tablet with the GoFish application. The GoFish drive is used in conjunction with security checks before fishing and for recording catches when you have fished.

What is a safety check?

A security check is a daily routine that you carry out at the camp before fishing. The hosts show you how this works when you arrive at the fishing camp. The security check is performed on a GoFish tablet.

Why is the security check important?

The camp staff need to know how long you estimate being at sea, how many are on-board and that the necessary equipment is on-board with you.

Why is the vessel position tracked?

Real-time position tracking directly contributes to safety at sea. The staff will know the exact location of the vessel at all times – this is important information if there are is an emergency. Should an unwanted event occur, the camp's employees using GoFish will quickly find your position. This is essential to avert an emergency.

Can I delete position tracking information?

No, as a guest, you cannot delete tracking information. You can ask the camp to delete the personal information associated with the tracking.

Can others see my position and tracking history?

No, only the camp staff can see your position and tracking history as recorded and reported by GoFish. However, if there is AIS (Automatic Identification System) on-board the vessel the position information will be separately available to others.

Why do I have to register my catch?

The Norwegian authorities require each fishing trip to be registered and reported to the Directorate of Fisheries.

What is a fishing trip?

A fishing trip is every time you take out the boat with the intention of fishing.

What should be registered?

In accordance with the requirements of the authorities: Each fishing trip must be registered with the corresponding catch, zero catch or released fish. It is a requirement that numbers of cod, saithe, catfish, halibut and redfish are registered. Reporting of other species is voluntary and the information is only available to the camp staff. Each fish must be counted.

When should I register catch?

Register your catch / zero catch / released fish after each fishing trip. Use GoFish and sign in with your telephone number.

Where do I register catch?

Register your catch on the GoFish station at the camp. Use your telephone number to log in.

What happens if my registration is incorrect?

Notify the camp staff and they can correct it before reporting.

Will my catch be checked?

The camp determines whether they need to control catches.

What is reported to the authorities?

The report to the authorities comprises the following: Name of the fishing camp, date of the fishing trip, catch (species and numbers), zero catch and released fish (species and numbers). Information regarding the vessel, position history and names of guests are not reported.

Is my catch reported to customs?

No, the catch report is sent only to the Directorate of Fisheries.

Do I need documentation for export of fish?

Yes, you need proof that you have stayed at a fishing camp that reports catch. Camper using GoFish reports catch. The camp staff can print a proof that you can show in the customs. The certificate entitles you to take 18 kg of fish.

What are the benefits of Using GoFish?

As a guest at a camp using GoFish there is direct focus on the importance of both your safety and that of sustainable fishing. Use of GoFish directly contributes to safety of yourself and your companions as well as sustainable fishing via accurate reporting of catch.

What is the GoFish safety and environmental fee?

This is the fee you pay to be on a GoFish camp. The fee covers the costs of the GoFish security system. GoFish contributes to increased security for you as a guest through tracking and preventive security checks. In addition, you will be able to easily register catch in GoFish according to requirements from Norwegian authorities.

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